




欢迎浏览“人际关系促进成功”网页! ACES正在扩展到 include living learning and themed learning communities tailored for incoming first-year 学生. These communities offer a close-knit peer group within the larger university setting, fostering direct connections with dedicated faculty and staff. 当我们上船时 on these exciting changes with ACES, 在这里's a glimpse of information about the two learning communities available for 从2024年秋季到2025年春季.


For incoming first-year 学生 pursuing a health profession, this community is designed 专门为你准备的! 加入这个生活学习社区意味着共享住所 in the same hall as fellow 程序 学生 and attending designated classes within 你的同伴,除了你的其他课程. 在你参与的过程中 程序, 你'll engage in various activities and 程序s designed to amplify 你r 总体经验. 本有限责任公司包括与同行的内部学习课程, networking opportunities with industry professionals, and fostering 朋友hips with individuals pursuing similar majors, further enriching 你r experience within the 程序.

Courses Health Professions Students will be taking in the fall:

  • 通识教育课程:普通心理学(PSY 110)
  • General Education Course: Principles of Biological Science I (BSC 110/110L - below 20行为) or 普通化学I (CHE 106/106L - ACT 20以上)
  • 选修课程:卫生专业入门(HP 100) or 护理101 (NSG 101)

Courses Health Professions Students will be taking in the spring:

  • General Education Course: Understanding Society - Principles of Sociology (SOC 101)
  • 专业:人体解剖学与生理学I (BSC 250/250L)

Participating 学生 will live in Century Park North Building 3. 点击 在这里 访问有关宿舍的更多信息.

At this time, interest form submissions for fall 2024 - spring 2025 are now closed. 

新:主题学习社区(TLC) -新兴鹰

For first-year 学生 eager to develop leadership skills, the Emerging Eagles community 是最合适的吗?! 在这个主题学习社区中,您将与 在同一宿舍的其他计划参与者. 参与多样化的活动; events, and 程序s tailored to enhance 你r leadership abilities.

At this time, courses that were going to be offered for Emerging Eagles is no longer 秋季和春季可用.

Participating 学生 will live in Century Park North Building 3. 点击 在这里 访问有关宿舍的更多信息.

At this time, interest form submissions for fall 2024 - spring 2025 are now closed.


Once submitted, 你r interest form will be reviewed by the learning community staff 根据表格填写日期决定是否录取. 您将收到通知 关于您的LLC或TLC状态的USM电子邮件. 兴趣表审查将开始 三月中旬.

If selected to the LLC or TLC, 你 will automatically be assigned into that community. If the LLC or TLC has reached capacity, 你r housing assignment will be based on the 您在房间选择过程中选择的房间.

Hear what some of our current 学生 have to say about the ACES 程序 and why 他们应用.


"I applied for ACES to not only be surrounded by people with my similar major, but to start off my first semester in college in order and without stress. 自从加入 the ACES 程序, I have gained some good 朋友 who I believe will be with me even 等我一年级结束. 如果你对申请ACES项目犹豫不决, 我会说去做! Go ahead and apply because it is an amazing opportunity to have."

- 茉莉花F., ace 2023年秋季- 2024年春季


"I applied to ACES because I wanted to be around a community of people w在这里 we all 有相同的兴趣和专业. 自从我加入ACES以来,我很享受这种联系 of similarities with others, and through this 程序, I have gained many 朋友hips. If 你're not sure on whether 你 should apply, I would say 你 definitely should! It is an amazing experience w在这里 你 meet new people, make 朋友, and help each 其他的在同一个社区."

- 瓦莱丽·C., ace 2023年秋季- 2024年春季


"I applied to ACES because USM is far from home and the 程序 would ease the process 认识新朋友. 我最喜欢王牌的地方就是能认出别人 in the 程序 and asking them to partner up for lab, or getting lunch with them. The most I've gained from ACES was having a couple classes picked out for me, which 让过渡变得容易多了."

- 肯德尔B., ace 2023年秋季- 2024年春季


"I applied to ACES to be around other people whose major was nursing and to make new 朋友. Not just that, but 你 also have ACES dorms with nursing 学生 beside 你. 我最喜欢《九游国际棋牌》的是《九游国际棋牌》. 如果你需要什么,她可以帮助你 或者找人帮你. 如果你对申请ACES项目犹豫不决, 我会说去做. 你会交到很多朋友,玩得很开心."

- Takyalah R., ace 2023年秋季- 2024年春季


We are excited that 你're interested in joining one of our learning communities for 从2024年秋季到2025年春季!

Dr. Danlana布鲁克斯

Dr. Danlana布鲁克斯

Associate Director of Residential Learning and Leadership Development






Unfortunately, 你 cannot do both ACES and Luckyday or 荣誉学院. ACES学生 must live in the ACES residence hall for their community and cannot opt to live in 幸运日或荣誉住房.


A key element of the 程序 is the shared living environment in on-campus housing (九游国际棋牌). It allows first-year 学生 to engage in a supportive community 早在他们入学的第一天就开始了. 因此,你不能成为其中的一员 住在校外.


The ACES 程序 is a living learning 程序 that requires 学生 to live together on a specific floor of a residence hall and take specific classes together. 因此, 你必须住在指定的ace楼层. 我们所有的ace参与者 在世纪公园北3号楼有指定楼层吗.

点击 在这里 浏览世纪公园北3号楼资料.


If 你 and 你r preferred roommate are both accepted into the ACES 程序, 你 and 你r desired roommate will both need to denote on 你r housing application that 你 想和对方住一个房间. 双方都需要提交他们的住房 application, paid their housing fees, and denoted roommate preferences.

请注意: Both roommates must be accepted into the ACES 程序 due to the specific floor 作业.


你可以同时提交两份利息表. 然而,如果你收到邀请加入这两个 learning communities, 你 will have to select one to participate in.


ACES communities are only on the Hattiesburg campus because of our live-on requirement. The Long Beach campus does not provide on-campus housing, which means they do not 有ace社区. 


If 你 have further questions about the ACES 程序, 你 can contact Housing and 通过电子邮件发送宿舍生活 reslifeFREEMississippi 或者拨打601.266.星期一至星期五上午8时.m.- 5:00 p.m.,中科.
