

Mentoring 本科研究ers in the Era of COVID-19


Continuing to mentor undergraduate researchers during the current pandemic may not be a difficult decision for faculty in some disciplines. In other disciplines, particularly those that rely heavily on face-to-face interactions (e.g. social sciences, lab sciences), taking on an undergraduate student as yet another lab member, or devising a project that does not require close contacts with other people may be next to impossible.

If you are still wondering why you should consider mentoring undergraduate researchers or are not sure how to help guide undergraduate students through their research endeavors, 这是一个在线的 Mentoring 本科研究 Handbook that was developed by faculty at Georgia College and State University. 虽然有点 specific for faculty in liberal arts, the main points made in the book apply to all 我们的.


Additional Mentoring Resources


Council on 本科研究 (CUR) Resources for Virtual Mentoring


CUR Resources for Virtual 研究 Programs and Conferences

  • CUR Covid-19 Forum: Virtual Conferences; recorded discussion of virtual conferences (e.g. logistics of organizing; ways to create high-quality value for students; strategies to enhance opportunities for inclusion and equity; summer research programs).
  • CUR COVID-19 Forum: Summer Programming and Student 就业; recorded discussion of reasons for supporting, advocating,/or maintaining a summer research program; types of possible structures (face-to-face, hybrid, virtual) and what these would look like; potential timelines; planning issues; ways to create and sustain community and prevent student and faculty burnout in a virtual program.
  • CUR Covid-19 Forum: Virtual 研究, Creative, & 学术-第1部分
  • CUR Covid-19 Forum: Virtual 研究, Creative, & 学术-第2部分; recorded discussion (in two parts) of conditions for continuing virtual undergraduate research; when to stop, suspend or delay; how to help students reach out to faculty; how to promote and manage online research collaborations with students; how to adjust projects to be productive in a virtual environment; how to establish realistic timelines; if face-to-face is allowed and required, how to ensure safe protocols.


Virtual 研究 Projects, Initiatives, Open Datasets, Resources

To identify or devise undergraduate research projects that are compatible with COVID-19 safety measures and minimize face-to-face contact, the following list contains virtual research projects/initiatives in which Southern Miss undergraduate students might be able to participate and datasets to which they have access. 许多项目将 need to be adapted and/or expanded to be suitable for upper-level college student and/or Honors thesis research. 请电子邮件 Sabine.HeinhorstFREEMississippi if you have additional suggestions that can be added to the list.










Nursing and Public Health






联系 a DCUR representative:

Dr.% 20 sabine % 20 heinhorst or Dr.丽贝卡% 20 tuuri % 20 for all questions about DCUR

The University of Southern Mississippi
Drapeau Center for 本科研究
118大学博士. #5162
Hattiesburg, MS 39406-0001



Undergraduate Symposium Logo

联系 a member of the UGS Planning Committee in your area of interest for questions related to conventions of presentations in 你的纪律.

联系 Dr.丽贝卡% 20 tuuri % 20 or Dr.% 20 sabine % 20 heinhorst for questions related to abstract submission or registration, UGS schedule or program, 判断或调节.

联系 Dr.% 20凯利% 20莱斯特, Professor%20Allen%20Chen, Professor%20Jared%20Hollingsworth or Dr.% 20尼古拉斯% 20 ciraldo for questions related to the 艺术 Showcase.
联系 Center%20for%20Community%20Engagement%20for all questions about community-engaged projects.