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The Institute for Disability Studies for over 40 years

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The Institute for Disability Studies


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残疾研究研究所(IDS)是密西西比大学的残疾研究中心 Excellence in Developmental Disabilities (UCEDD). Created by federal legislation in 在20世纪60年代,ucedd与美国各地的大学和英国的大学建立了联系 促进人民的独立、生产力和社区包容 with disabilities. UCEDDS, like IDS, focus on training, technical assistance, service, 研究和信息共享,独特地促进了与残疾有关的流动 information between community and university.

Working at the Payne Center Entry DeskIDS提供跨学科教育、社区服务、信息传播 以及全州范围内患有发育障碍和其他残疾的密西西比人的研究 for more than 40 years. Staff work with people with developmental and other disabilities 所有年龄段的人——婴儿、幼儿、学龄儿童、青年、工人、父母、家庭 还有老年人——为他们提供一条通往更有见识、更有生产力、以社区为基础的道路 life.

IDS的工作是提高密西西比残疾人的生活质量. 通过关注儿童早期包容和教育的项目和服务, housing, transition to adulthood, and wellness, IDS

  • believes everyone should be included in their communities
  • 通过跨学科课程和服务学习教育大学生
  • 促进高质量的幼儿融合,以满足幼儿期的需要 educators, families and young children with special needs
  • serves as a statewide center for resources and information
  • 帮助个人和家庭获得负担得起的、方便的、安全的住房
  • 帮助青年和年轻人发挥他们的潜力,并在过渡期间找到目标 to adulthood and
  • 为人们打开了创造力、体育竞赛和包容性娱乐的大门 with disabilities.

根据美国残疾人法案,估计有4300万美国残疾人.S. citizens have disabilities. The Developmental Disabilities Assistance and Bill of Rights Act 1994年的修正案报告说,这些人中有300多万人有发育障碍 残疾和大多数残疾是严重的,并有可能继续 indefinitely. Many more Americans are at high risk for developing disabilities because 产前护理差,生活环境条件差,缺乏早期教育 opportunities, and lack of access to appropriate health and human services. It is 一个有据可查的事实是,残疾人作为一个群体,处于劣势地位 在社会上的地位,在社会上,职业上,经济上都处于严重的劣势, and educationally. These facts hold true in Mississippi, where the population of individuals 残障人士估计超过35万人,是人口中比例最高的 in the United States. Over 40,000 of these individuals have developmental disabilities.

残疾研究研究所(IDS)是密西西比州的卓越中心 in Developmental Disabilities Education, Research, and Service. Housed at The University 在南密西西比,IDS努力满足其联邦使命,以提高质量 无论如何,残疾公民及其家人的整个生命周期 of culture, ethnicity, or socioeconomic background. Quality of life is enhanced through 在家庭、学校、工作和家庭中促进包容政策的领导活动 recreational settings. Through supportive efforts to facilitate the availability of 一系列以社区和文化为基础的个人和家庭支持 有能力,IDS促进独立性,生产力和社区整合 and inclusion of individuals with disabilities. Supportive efforts include interdisciplinary preservice training; community service activities that involve outreach training, technical assistance, and model service demonstration; and dissemination of state-of-the-art practices based on applied research.

作为发展障碍卓越中心国家网络的一部分 教育,研究和服务,IDS依赖于全国各地类似的计划 for support in developing and implementing core functions. All IDS functions and programmatic 活动以坚定的价值观为基础,以信念和指导为基础 principles.

The Association of University Centers on Disabilities (AUCD) 一个支持和促进全国大学网络的会员制组织 interdisciplinary programs. Network members consist of:

1.     67大学发展障碍卓越研究中心, funded by the Administration on Developmental Disabilities (ADD)

2.     38 Leadership Education in Neurodevelopmental Disabilities (LEND) Programs funded by the Maternal and Child Health Bureau (MCHB)

3.     21个智力和发育障碍研究中心(IDDRC),最多 其中由尤尼斯·肯尼迪·施莱弗国家儿童健康研究所资助 and Development (NICHD)

The Administration on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (AIDD) is the U.S. Government organization responsible for implementation of the Developmental Disabilities Assistance and Bill of Rights Act of 2000, known as the DD Act. ADD, 它的工作人员和项目是儿童和家庭管理局的一部分, of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

The Mississippi Council on Developmental Disabilities (MSCDD) 是一个由州长任命的联邦授权的律师团体,旨在促进一项 提高发育障碍患者及其家庭的生活质量, and their communities. Improvement in quality of life is accomplished through initiatives that promote advocacy, capacity building, and systems change. The current 25-member 委员会成员包括残疾人、家长、家庭成员及要求提倡者 governmental representatives from public and private organizations. Membership reflects the diversity of the state.

Disability Rights Mississippi (DRMS)是一家私营的非营利性公司,受联邦政府授权保护和保护互联网 在整个MS州倡导残疾人的权利. DRMS 已经免费为密西西比人提供了近30年的宣传服务 他帮助改善了我们州成千上万的残疾人的生活 vulnerable population by championing their rights.

Collaborative Newsletter

Affiliates and Partners 他们免费为IDS提供专门的服务或软件来帮助我们 mission of serving persons with disabilities:

  • MyTurn provides our Toy Library Checkout Management system.

2024 IDS Organizational Chart

How To Support IDS

Thank you for your support!

您对IDS的捐款将提高残疾人士的生活质量 and their families throughout Mississippi.

以下是如何帮助所有年龄的残疾人及其家人的方法. Please give to IDS via The USM Foundation.  在那里,向下滚动到“指定”,选择“给你的区域” 选择”,然后在搜索中输入“1694”,然后选择“残疾研究所” Development Fund.

Let’s work together to make a real difference.  

Telephone: (601) 266-5163
Toll Free 1-888-671-0051
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欲了解更多有关通过遗产规划和其他形式捐赠的信息,请联系 development officers at the USM Foundation at (601) 266-5602.


Contact Us

Institute for Disability Studies
118 College Drive #5163
Hattiesburg, MS 39406

Hattiesburg Campus
Bond Hall 4th Floor

Email: IDS%20Administration

Phone: 601.266.5163
or 800.671.0051

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Institute for Disability Studies
730 East Beach Blvd
Long Beach, MS 39560

Gulf Park Campus

Email: IDS%20Administration

Phone: 228.214.3400

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Institute for Disability Studies
3825 Ridgewood Road
Jackson, MS 39211

IHL Building

Email: IDS%20Administration

Phone: 601.266-6177

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